Sandra Hundacker and team (referred to as either “hundertmorgen”, “we”, “us” or “our”) are committed to providing information and opinions on travel, wellness, and lifestyle topics. The information provided on the website by hundertmorgen is for informational purposes only is written based on thorough research at the time of writing, and is believed to be accurate, adequate, and reliable according to the best judgment of the author—however, we make NO representation or warranty of any kind. We create our content to the best knowledge and give our honest opinions, from travel tips and commentaries to product reviews and personal experiences. We reserve the right to opt out of publishing a review if we do not feel that we can be fair about our opinion and may add modifications, additions, or deletions at any time without prior notice to existing content.
Articles and posts containing medical, financial, or legal content are not to be taken as professional advice or recommendations. All information is provided for general informational purposes only. Accordingly, before taking any actions, and in the event of concerns or conditions regarding such topics, we encourage you to seek consultation with the appropriate professionals (such as doctors, accountants, or lawyers).
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